2016: a year of sponsorship for Syncro

2016 saw Syncro System achieving success in motor sport, thanks to Team Fortec in Formula V8 3.5, the feeder series to Formula 1. On top of this, Syncro also sponsored Team Carlin in GP2 and helped promote a new development in the world of motor sport: an exciting new speedboat racing series.

Team Fortec and Syncro System: a winning formula

Syncro System has been sponsoring young talent in the world of motor racing for some time now, and this is hardly a coincidence. Syncro’s sponsorship choices are driven by the group’s passion for sport as an activity that demands ability and dedication to succeed. The drivers of Formula V8 3.5 are certainly aiming high, since the best can be offered a chance to move up to Formula 1. The 2016 championship began in April on the Alcaniz circuit in Spain, and ended in November in Barcelona. Team Fortec finished the season with Louis Delatraz taking the rookie title and finishing second overall in the driver’s championship, and with his team mate Pietro Fittipaldi doing extremely well too. The team’s best result came in the fourth race, in Le Castellet, France, where Delatraz finished first and Fittipaldi a well-deserved seventh. Delatraz finished the championship in second place, with a total of 230 points, only 7 behind the leader, Tom Dillmann. Delatraz also recorded the fastest lap time on 5 separate occasions and took the “rookie winner” title an impressive 13 times. Fittipaldi also finished as “rookie winner” twice. No wonder Team Fortec monopolised the title for the 2016 season! In the Syncro blog you can find reports on some of the team’s 2016 races along with news of the 2017 season, which is due to start shortly.

GP2 Series: Team Carlin

This second series of images shows the two drivers of Britain's Team Carlin, which Syncro System sponsored in the GP2 championship. The drivers in question are Marvin Kirchhöfer from Germany (replaced by Louis Delatraz, runner up in F3.5, during the course of the season) and Sergio Canasamas from Spain. These photos were taken at the race meeting of 2-3 September 2016 on the Monza circuit, where the Italian GP is held. Team Carlin is likely to abandon this championship next season: according to a spokesman, the team is planning to concentrate on other series in 2017.

Stockboats Series 2016: Syncro a protagonist in the new boat racing championship

An excellent start and a thrilling experience in the new racing specialty for 2016! Just like Formula racing, the Stockboats Series brings together drivers with the skill to control high power engines. The difference lies in the choice of vehicle and the type of surface. The brand new Stockboat Series, “launched” in Italy in 2016, attracts the fastest speedboats and top drivers to challenge waves and weather on lakes and coastal waters around the Italian peninsula. These photos were taken at the Chioggia meeting.