Cassola Municipal Council has presented Syncro System SpA with the “Business and Work 2023” award. The presentation ceremony was held in the San Giuseppe auditorium on the morning of the 8th December in the presence of leading local figures from the fields of work, education and the voluntary sector. This year too, the town council recognised citizens and enterprises who have made major contributions to the local community, with special reference to local companies that have been in business for over 35 years. The award certificate was presented to Syncro System’s president, Luca Comunello, who commented: “The award we have received today marks 35 years of business for Syncro System, but in actual fact, 2023 was the seventieth year of activity for our company if we consider the business that my father, Francesco Comunello, started back in 1953. We are here today not just to share the success of our company but to celebrate the story of a family and community that have helped make a dream come true.”
Francesco Comunello rented his first premises in San Zeno di Cassola back in 1953 and began building and repairing bicycles, assisted by his wife Maria. In the decades that followed, the small business went on first to produce metal handles for farm tools, then steel toolboxes and cash boxes, followed by tool cases and finally, van racking and accessories. The firm of Francom was first registered in the local Chamber of Commerce in 1960. In 1996 Francom formed Syncro System, a company that specialised exclusively in producing and installing van equipment. In 2020, Francom, which had become an SpA In the meantime, merged with Syncro System Italia Srl to form Syncro System SpA.
Today, the group boasts 11 dealer-workshops in Italy and 45 between Europe, America, Asia, Oceania and Africa. Click here to watch a video giving more details about our group’s activities and history.
Cassola Municipal Council gave the award to Syncro System SpA in recognition of the “commitment, expertise, consistency and continuity with which the company has provided employment and helped develop the local area as a production centre for van liners and racking since 1959”. These words are also printed on the award certificate presented by Cassola’s mayor, Aldo Maroso, on the 8th December.
Luca Comunello, president of Syncro System, was visibly delighted to receive the award, having grown up in the company along with others of his family. In his speech of thanks, he made a point of mentioning everybody, starting with the company’s founders. “I would like to thank my parents, Francesco and Maria, for laying the foundations for our success today: my father for his business acumen and passion, and my mother, whom everybody knew as “Maria the mechanic”, for her unfailing support and dedication. Though they are no longer with us, their spirit still guides and inspires us.” Luca then went on to thank the various members of his family who have dedicated their lives to the business, along with the workforce – the true heart of the company, and finally thanked the customers all over the world who continue to choose Syncro System products and services, suppliers and partners. “Last but not least,” Luca added, “I would like to express my thanks to the whole community of Cassola, where our company began and was able to flourish. Your support and your backing have played a crucial role in our growth and success.”
Syncro System has applied a policy of continuous improvement for decades – improvement from technical, human and professional points of view. This was the gist of the Luca Comunello’s conclusion as he took his leave of the public at the award ceremony: “This award is not just in recognition of past success. It also an invitation for us to look to the future with renewed commitment and hope. We shall therefore continue to work with the same passion and integrity that has set us apart over the last seventy years and shall continue to push forward and serve our community and our customers to the best of our ability.”