An excellent credit rating for Syncro in 2022

Syncro’s Credit Passport: confirmed at A+ for the period from January to June 2022

Syncro System can boast an excellent credit rating for the six months from January 2022 to June 2022, as confirmed by the A+ certification recently renewed by Credit Data Research. Since February 2019, Syncro has asked the London-based credit rating agency to provide an independent and professional assessment of its creditworthiness. In every six-monthly renewal of its rating since 2019, Syncro’s risk of default has always been evaluated as extremely low, its risk of insolvency minimal and its creditworthiness excellent.

What is the Credit Passport?

The Credit Passport is based on a complex system for calculating the risk associated with companies’ credit. Credit Data Research measures and assesses various parameters and calculates the probability of a company becoming insolvent on the basis of its financial report and the latest data from the Bank of Italy’s Risks Centre. Various advanced calculation programs, including Credit Data Research’s own DefaultMetrics and Moody’s Analytics’ RiskCalc are used to produce a rating that is reliable, transparent and effective in its prediction.

Why is the Credit Passport so important?

The Credit Passport service is funded by Confindustria Vicenza and is reserved for companies with a turnover in excess of 500,000 euros. Holding an objective rating issued by an internationally recognised and independent agency allows Syncro System to establish its financial standing more accurately and to boost the confidence of banks, customers, suppliers and commercial partners in general.