Francom and “I Bambini delle Fate": a lasting partnership

Francom and “I Bambini Delle Fate”: a lasting partnership

Six years have passed since Francom first joined the group of companies that provide long-term support for the “I Bambini Delle Fate” foundation, and enthusiasm for the initiative remains undiminished. Instead of making single donations, the companies involved become permanent social service sponsors by investing a part of their earnings every month in social integration and autonomy initiatives for children and adolescents with autistic spectrum disorders. Thanks to Francom and around 600 other Italian companies that have signed what is effectively a contract of social responsibility, the foundation headed by Franco Antonello is currently running 62 projects and helping 1300 families in Italy.

2017-2018: Francom helps fund the social inclusion work of the F.A.R.C.E.L.A. association

Each company that contributes to the project focuses on its own local area, so this year again Francom has supported the F.A.R.C.E.L.A. association of Castelfranco, which organises social inclusion and therapy projects for 70 youngsters with learning disabilities and autism. Activities range from swimming to hippotherapy, music therapy to theatre, and engage the participants nearly every weekday afternoon. In addition to providing activities for the children, the courses also help their families by providing properly trained and eager personnel to look after their loved ones every day and return them a little more independent and confident in their everyday lives. The last event of 2018 takes place on the 7th December in Castelfranco Veneto’s Teatro Accademico, when a group of young actors will perform the play “Don Quixote”.