Francom S.p.a. and Syncro Italia “Cribis Prime Companies"

Francom S.p.A. and Syncro System Italy have both been certified for “maximum commercial reliability”.

Francom S.p.A. and Syncro System Italy have both joined the elite group of companies around the world (only 3%) certified able to offer maximum security for customers, banks and suppliers. Cribis D&B has awarded Francom Spa, parent company of the Syncro System Group, and Syncro System Italia the prestigious rating of “Cribis Prime Company”, in recognition of their achievement of the highest possible level of economic and commercial reliability. The group’s two companies have therefore joined a small élite of companies in Italy and elsewhere able to guarantee such economic and commercial security to partners. For banks and suppliers, working with a Cribis certified company means 100% certainty of getting paid, other than in exceptional circumstances. Fatte salve le circostanze eccezionali, lavorare con un’azienda che ha ottenuto questo certificato significa, per una banca o un fornitore, avere circa lo 0% di possibilità di non essere pagato.

Maximum solvency and dependability

“Anybody in the world asking a Cribis D&B office for commercial information about us will be told this,"- explains Luca Comunello, president of the Syncro System Group. This extremely important achievement lays firm foundations for the future of the Syncro Group, which closed the 2016 business year with a profit of 8.5 million euros. Certification was granted to both Syncro Group companies on the basis of their excellent ratings in various indicators, including reliability, solvency and punctuality in payments.

Who are Cribis D&B?

Cribis D&B specialises in the development and management of credit information, business information and credit solutions. The company is part of the Dun & Bradstreet Wordwide Network, a network of providers active in the collection and management of business information on four continents (Europe, America, Africa and Asia) and in 230 countries around the world.

A big "thank you” from Luca Comunello

“Certification as a Cribis Prime Company represents important recognition for the excellent work done by everybody in the Syncro Group” says group president Luca Comunello.For this I have to thank all the men and women who work for us with such dedication and commitment!”