Francom: A+ credit rating 2019!

Francom earns 10 out of 10 for trustworthiness! 

The London-based firm of Credit Data Research has awarded Francom Spa an A+ credit rating for the second half of 2019 (from July 2019 to January 2020), confirming our excellent financial status and our ability to satisfy all our financial obligations for the foreseeable future.  An assessment was carried out on behalf of Confindustria Vicenza and Francom by Credit Data Research, global leader in behavioural modelling for business. The resulting rating is based on the proprietary DefaultMetrics model and Moody’s Analytics’ RiskCalc model and compares figures from Francom’s last published financial statement with figures from Banca d’Italia’s Risks Centre.  Francom also obtained an A+ rating in the previous assessment covering the first half of the present business year, until the end of July.

Credit Passport: a door to easy credit

Excellent scores in all assessment parameters qualify Francom as a reliable business, characterised by: 
  • a minimum probability of default
  • extremely low risk of insolvency
  • an excellent overall rating 
This Credit Passport is extremely important to us because, in addition to improving transparency towards our customers, suppliers and commercial partners, is also facilitates and supports our relationship with banks and key players on foreign markets, who place a great deal of emphasis on it.

How is the Credit Passport calculated? 

Assessors examine figures from our financial statement, and evaluate them on the basis of weightings assigned by Moody’s Analytics to determine credit worthiness on a scale starting from E (critical) and improving through D, C, B, A and A+ (very good) before arriving at the ultimate rating of A++ (excellent). With our A+ credit rating, Francom is one of an elite group of financially robust and reliable companies in our sector!  In particular, as can be seen from the charts presented above, compared to other companies in our sector (see “map of percentiles”), all Francom financial statement figures considered by the assessment fall into the “green area” that identifies low credit risk. No figures lie outside the green or approach the red (high risk) area. In the same way, the “relative risk contribution” chart shows that all the financial factors analysed are “green” and therefore contribute to a reduced credit risk.  The behavioural analysis chart uses figures taken from ongoing banking operations, 5 in all, and is highly indicative of our company’s state of health. Credit usage is well below our credit allowance and over the period under consideration, credit lines have never been exceeded.

A well-deserved A+ rating

As the mapping table at the end of the report shows, three separate analyses of Francom’s creditworthiness all gave the same result, leading to our classification in the highest part of the A+ band, quite near to the excellent A++ rating. Financial analysis produced a risk rating of 0.09 while behavioural analysis gave one of 0.12, well below the limit for the A+ class, which permits a risk of up to 0.1428%, and approaching the highest class of all, which requires 0.0857%.