Syncro System and “Bambini delle Fate"

Francom decided to join other companies in supporting the “Bambini delle Fate” Foundation five years ago in 2012. Under the dynamic presidency of Franco Antonello (father of Andrea, a boy with autism), the foundation demands a constant commitment from all the companies who pledge support. This means no one-off contributions but a formal contract requiring monthly payments to guarantee the sustainability of community projects financed by “Bambini delle Fate” and run by associations and organisations dedicated to promoting the integration and autonomy of children and adolescents with autistic spectrum disorders. The businesses that choose to support the foundation therefore have to make a clear decision to invest actively and passionately in the community. That decision was taken years ago by Luca Comunello, president of Syncro System, and his wife Fabiola Bellagamba, the group’s managing director.

2016-2017 The “Autonomy for Autistic Adolescents” project, supported by Francom

Finance for this project, channelled through “Bambini delle Fate”, came from donations by 600 Italian businesses. Funds were used to finance some sixty different projects in 14 Italian regions.   Francom, together with another 29 regional companies, helped finance the “Autonomy for Autistic Adolescents” project between November 2016 and May 2017. This project was organised by the F.A.R.C.E.L.A. association in conjunction with the Sonda di Altivole Cooperative’s Ca’ Leido home and the municipal council of Crespano del Grappa. Twice a week for seven months, a group of children diagnosed with autism was given a chance to acquire or improve their autonomy in a personal and domestic context, and to relate to the local community. The project finished with a dinner for fifty people, completely prepared by the children with the help of the local Alpine Soldiers group and local teachers.

The F.A.R.C.E.L.A. Association

Thanks to the precious contributions of partner companies, the F.A.R.C.E.L.A. Association of Castelfranco was able to support a total of eight projects this year. In addition to the “Autonomy for Autistic Adolescents” project in Crespano, the association supported courses of art therapy, music therapy, integrated basketball, swimming, multisystemic therapy in water, horse riding therapy and an engaging theatrical workshop for 13 youngsters culminating in the production of a play entitled “The secret of the ancient forest” in the Accademico theatre of Castelfranco on the 12th November. In a letter to Francom, the association’s president, Maurizio Alberton wrote: “Even with great sacrifice, the families concerned could only partly afford these activities. Your support is therefore fundamental to ensuring the continuation of over 20 years of collaboration with top professional psychologists, specialist teachers, therapists, instructors and trainers”.