In 2020 Francom is 60 years old

The book, presented on this page, can be browsed or downloaded free of charge. This fascinating photographic volume is packed with snapshots and interviews dealing with the first 60 years of Francom and is being published to celebrate this impressive occasion along with all our customers and friends. The book accurately records all the steps taken by the highly successful business founded by Francesco Comunello in the 1960s. The publication is entitled “From farm implements ⟶ to van racking. From Francom to Syncro System. The first sixty years of the Syncro Group”.

The story of Francom in a few lines…

Francesco Comunello officially registered the firm of Francom and began the production of handles for farm implements back in 1960. Sixty years later, the family firm run by his sons Luca and Adamo employs 100 people and is internationally recognised as a leader in the van racking sector.  The closely-knit Comunello family has seen plenty of changes over the years but has continued to run the firm in honour of its founder, Francesco, who passed away in 1982.  Now, in 2020, Francom is stronger than ever, with 50 points of sale worldwide, and is technologically advanced enough to qualify as an “Industry 4.0 company”.  To find out more about the history of Francom, download the book or visit this page, here and here to learn about Francom’s commitment to the environment.

The book’s third edition 

This third edition replaces the previous two, the first published in 2012 on the thirtieth anniversary of Francesco Comunello’s death, and the second issued in 2014.  The 2020 edition has been expanded with many new photos of the company and the family and also features new sections describing the main developments seen in recent years: 
  • “2016 Syncro for the environment”, dealing with actions taken to minimise the company’s impact on the environment; 
  • “2017”, recounting the inauguration of the new production plant; 
  • “2018” relating the completion of work to extend the plant, which now provides a total of 10,000 square metres of indoor space distributed over three floors, plus another 10,000 square metres outdoors and a custom-built office block: 
  • “2019”, a historic year in which Syncro Ultra, a revolutionary new racking system was introduced, permitting total customisation of all installations, and in which the computer systems of all production sections and offices were interconnected;
  • “Syncro System statistics”, figures that speak for themselves and summarise the most important achievements of these last 60 years, such as 80,000 vans fitted out in 30 different countries for a total value of 150 million euros. 
Browse the book and follow the history of Francom as seen through the eyes of protagonists!