The 19th May was an extremely important date for Syncro System. The day saw the inauguration of the new HQ and also celebrated the 20th anniversary of Syncro brand van racking. On top of this, it provided a fantastic opportunity for staff from the group’s branches and dealers in Italy and elsewhere to get together. After all, these are the people on whose work the group’s success depends. They were the first to arrive too, driving their fully equipped demo vans with pride, and coming from all parts of Italy and from other countries.
Their vans, lined up in perfect order in front of the new HQ, provided the perfect welcome for visitors throughout the day, visual proof of the Syncro Group’s unity for customers and friends.
This is what the branch managers attending the event had to say about it afterwards:
According to Antonio Guarini, Syncro Emilia, "the event provided a great opportunity for Syncro people, old and young, to come together. The guided tour of the new plant was an excellent way to introduce employees, installers and sales people to the hard work that goes into getting Syncro products ready for sale".
"For us" added Paolo Procuranti of Syncro Brescia, "the event also meant pride in being part of a great company that is still growing and expanding at home and abroad. It gave us a chance to get to know the people we talk to every day over the phone and learn how production is organised in the parent company. A big thank you to Luca Comunello and his family for their hospitality and a great day out!"
"I’ve only been working for Syncro System for one month", Ermanno Cataleta of Syncro East Milan points out, "so I was really lucky to come to this event. I was delighted to get to know more about Syncro, to see the production plant and to meet colleagues from other branches. It was a great experience and one you are not likely to get in most other companies!"
"A fantastic day!", exclaimed Emanuele Affabile, head of Syncro North Milan. "It was good to meet colleagues and see the new plant, which shows the progress made by our company over the years.".
"The 19th May celebrations?", asks Antonello Pidutti of Furgosystem Trentino Alto Adige. "A really great day out and a fantastic opportunity to meet people from other branches. Syncro made a great success of everything and left nothing to chance. It was like a big family coming together to have a good time, and I think this is exactly what the Comunello family deserve!"
"I’d have to go back a long way in time to explain what this event means to us," explains Mauro Cleber of For.Tec., Friuli Venezia Giulia. "Becoming part of the Syncro group was the best thing we ever did. It gave us a completely different approach to our work, and it got us where we are today! The 19th May gave us a chance to celebrate an important achievement!!"
"Let’s hope we can do it again!", exclaims Alessandro Ariolli, speaking on behalf of Syncro Bergamo. "It was a great occasion and everything was incredibly well organised. We are delighted to have met the colleagues and managers we speak to every day on the phone. What else? Getting to see how the finished product is made really makes it easier for us to sell it!".
"It was a great idea to get everybody together!", comments Fabio Guaiano of Syncro Turin. "Coming to an event like this really makes you feel part of the company. We got to know the Comunello family and had a chance to see the new plant. Seeing you are part of a group that is growing and investing in the future makes you feel you can go home with a new confidence in the future! Everybody who was there is still talking about it and would love to see it becoming an annual event. Those who didn’t go are really sorry they missed it!"