2019 was an extremely positive year for Francom, the parent company of the Syncro System Group. Growth in sales and turnover, major investments in technology and an increase in the number of dealers around the world are the most obvious achievements, and confirm what the company’s financial statement expresses in figures, i.e. that Francom is both healthy and growing.
Once again among the top 1000 companies in the province of Vicenza
Francom’s growth is photographed by the list of the province’s top 1000 companies, published annually as a supplement to the Giornale di Vicenza. The list issued at the end of 2019 was based on financial statement figures for 2018. With a turnover of 10,125,363 euros (1.18% up over the previous year), Francom, specialists in the production and installation of van racking solutions, appears at number 832 among the 1000 companies with the highest turnover in the province.
“We have fallen from position 825 to 832 compared to 2018,” explains Luca Comunello, “but our turnover is up and our profit is particularly impressive at 1,021,638 euros. Our EBIDTA too, i.e. our earnings before interest, tax and amortisation of tangible assets is good too. Over the years we have brought the production of nearly all components in-house and, as a result, Francom now boasts a low cost of labour despite taking on a number of new employees in recent months to respond to increased demand for production and sales.”
Francom statistics for 2019
The latest Top 1000 Companies report provides a snapshot of Francom’s health based on its 2018 financial statement. But how did things go in 2019? The following figures give a good idea of progress over the last 12 months:
- 80,000 vans fitted out since 1996
- 30,000 articles in the catalogue
- 100 employees between Italy and Germany
- Over 50 dealers around the world
- 1 new van fitted out every 13 minutes
- According to reliable estimates, over 23 years of activity, the Syncro Group has saved customers 70 million man-hours for a value of 20 billion euros!