Syncro System van racking transforms your vehicle into a great mobile workshop, letting you work far more efficiently. The proper functioning and safety of Syncro racking, however, depends directly on the skill of the expert technicians who install it at dealerships throughout Italy and around the world.
A new Installation Manual for Syncro System products, updated to 1 October 2021, (edition 3.0) is now available online. The manual has been written primarily for use by installers at authorised Syncro dealers but can be consulted by anybody wishing to gain a more thorough understanding of how Syncro racking works.
The latest version of the Syncro System Installation Manual is available online from in 4 languages as well as the original Italian. You can find the different language versions here:
Italian - German - Inglese - French - Spanish
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The manual contains 80 pages of detailed instructions backed up by diagrams and figures showing exactly how to install liners, roof racks and Syncro Ultra racking components like drawers, shelves, underfloor storage units, lockers, etc.