Thirty years after that cold winter evening when Francesco Comunello lost his life in a car accident, his family chose to spend time with friends, employees, suppliers, local city hall officials – remembering Francesco (father and business owner) who established the company, paving the way for what would grow into the Syncro System group.
During the course of the evening, Luca, current president of Francom Inc, spoke in memory of his father. “My father showed his business savvy in playing the cards that he had at the time. We, who followed in his footsteps, have tried to do our very best. I won't be the judge of whether we have done well or badly, but nevertheless, I can assure you of two things without being afraid of saying something untrue: thirty years have passed and we are still in the game and everything that we have done -whether bad or good- would not have been possible without the person who began the business, the person whose example we follow to this day”.
The evening began with a mass, symbolically in the Syncro System's headquarters in San Zeno, commemorating the life a and loss of its founder. The mass was followed by a dinner at a local restaurant, Al Pioppeto.
“We wanted to have everyone come together in this sad moment for our family,” explained Luca to all who attended, “because it seemed right to remember how all of this was started and remember the person who started us out on the path we are still traveling. Everything that he taught us is still valid today and it is valuable for everyone who has, in some way, dealt with the company; none of this would be possible if not for one man who loved cycling but didn't have enough money for a bicycle".
The evening was also an occasion to thank some of the long standing employees, for their 30 years or more of dedication and commitment to the company: Daniela Pegoraro, Stefano Tosin and Giampietro Lorenzato.
A special recognition was made to Dr. Tulio Chiminazzo, who greatly supported and helped the family during the difficult period of the loss of Francesco.
Everyone present recieved a small booklet titled, “From Francom to Syncro System: 30 years after his passing, Francom remembers its founder,” that tells the story (accompanied by a large array of photos) of the company from the beginning to 2012.