Respecting the environment is Syncro's choice

Every little detail of our new factory has been designed to satisfy a deeply felt need to minimise energy consumption and respect the environment in the production and sale of van racking. Since our earliest beginnings, we have always loved and respected the area we call home. Growth, first on the Italian market and later in Europe and around the world, has always been accompanied by a progressive reduction in our impact on the environment and by a growing ecological awareness that has led us to adopt energy-saving production technologies and install renewable energy production systems. Our entire factory has been constructed to the strictest criteria for energy saving and operator safety:

  • Large windows in the roof make the most of natural light and ensure an adequate exchange of air in the summer months.
  • Artificial light is provided almost entirely by LED lamps.
  • The factory roof supports 1172 photovoltaic modules. The PV system, which came on line in January 2018, produces around 390,000 KwH of energy a year*, covering 45% of our company’s annual consumption.
  • The plant boasts excellent insulation thanks to the latest construction systems.

Maximum attention has been paid to all aspects of worker safety, from internal walkways to operating procedures and instructions for using the advanced machines and tools available. *390,000 KwH corresponds to the average consumption of 140 families. Our use of renewable energy sources avoids the emission of 207 tons of CO2 equivalent a year.