Syncro System has always invested heavily in the continuous improvement of products and services to satisfy even the most demanding customers. Shelves, drawers and other Syncro products are designed for strength and low weight and ensure a trouble-free user experience for many years to come. Syncro personnel are trained and organised to help you find exactly the right solution for your needs and, later, to fit out your van rapidly and safely. Syncro customers can rely on unrivalled after sales assistance, upgrade and removal services too. In recognition of the achievements of the Syncro System Group, on the 26/01/2012, the notified body TÜV Rheinland Italia certified Syncro System’s Quality Management System governing the design, production, installation, sale and assistance of van racking products and accessories. The Syncro System Group handles every phase of production, from design to customer assistance, at its two factories in Cassola, near Vicenza, and at eight local installation centres around Italy. Audits and inspections carried out by TÜV have shown that the group’s management and control systems are perfectly able to deliver top-quality products and services to customers, to manage potential problems and criticalities, and to ensure continuous improvement in quality. This latest edition of the standard makes risk-based management obligatory and places a greater emphasis on commitment to quality as an element of responsible and visible leadership. The evaluation of context, inside and outside the company, has also improved and knowledge is now seen as a resource just like any other, to be safeguarded and developed. Syncro System was able to demonstrate the sustainability of its offering for the benefit of all stakeholders and fulfilled all the requirements of the audit.
The prestigious notified body TÜV Rheinland Product Safety GmbH awarded Syncro System S.p.A. GS certification on 11/03/2004. “GS” stands for “Geprüfte Sichereit” or “Proven Safety”. The GS mark is a voluntary quality mark and shows that a product has been tested by an independent certifying body and found to be safe for use. Factories also have to be inspected on an annual basis. The reference standard for GS testing is the latest edition of ECE R17, which involves a crash test into a non-deformable barrier generating a deceleration force of around 20 G. The TÜV Rheinland Group is one of the leading international providers of testing and certification services, with a turnover in excess of 900 million euros. It is one of the few organisations the German government has authorised to issue GS certification. The GS quality mark proves that, in addition to satisfying the necessary requirements for functionality and weight, etc., Syncro System van racking is also exceptionally safe in use. In the unfortunate event of an accident, even of a serious nature, its extremely robust design prevents parts becoming loose and dangerous, and retains cargo safely in place.
All Syncro System van racking products are designed and made: • according to the European Directives, Italian laws and harmonised standards applicable to the product • according to European Directive 2006/42 EC, transposed by Presidential Decree 17/2010 – European Directive 89/391 EEC, transposed by Legislative Decree 81/08 – harmonised standards UNI EN ISO 12100:2010 – CEI EN 60204-1:2006 • with certification according to the Italian Highway Code, Presidential Decree 495 of 16/12/1992 - article 54 comma 2 letter ff) vehicles for use as workshops (letter introduced by article 120 of Presidential Decree 610 of 16/919/96 ) • with reference to the resistance tests contained in standards UNI 10916:2001 and UNI EN 14074:2005 – UNI 8581:2005 – UNI 8604:2005 – UNI 8605:2005 – UNI 9604:1990 • with reference to the ECE-R 17 sled tests and ZEK 01.2-08/12.08 • The technical file for components, accessories, design drawings, layouts, test results and operation and maintenance manuals is kept at the disposal of the competent authorities at Syncro System's offices. All Syncro System material conforms to the requirements of occupational safety standards.
Syncro System S.p.A. and the Syncro System Group have always dedicated maximum attention to and invested heavily in the continuous improvement of working conditions, to significantly reduce all risks of accidents at work and occupational disease. The group’s commitment was officially recognised on 11/12/2015 when the Syncro System plant in Cassola was certified as having developed and applied an Occupational Health and Safety System conforming to the SAFETY AT WORK rules of the UNI INAIL Guidelines, 2001 edition. 2001
On 15 November 2016, Cribis D&B, a company in the CRIF Group and part of the Dun & Bradstreet international network, awarded Syncro System SpA certification as “Cribis Prime Companies” for achieving the highest possible level of commercial reliability. This coveted certification is granted only to a small number of companies around the world (only 3% of over 250 million companies assessed), considered able to guarantee customers, suppliers and lenders zero risk in all business transactions. Certification is based on the Cribis D&B Rating, a dynamic indicator that is continuously updated and rates a company’s dependability on the basis of criteria such as stability, solvency and punctuality in payments.