Syncro System’s best-selling products

Here are the seven most popular products from Syncro System’s catalogue of 36,000 items

The complete range of Syncro System van racking products is so vast that it’s almost impossible to present a quick overview, but here at least are the best-sellers – the products that nearly all customers want to include in their van’s racking system. Syncro racking centres can combine all these products with other racking elements in custom ways to create the perfect configuration and transform any van into a great mobile workshop.

So here is the list of the seven most popular Syncro products in terms of numbers sold:

1. Floor liners

2. Drawers (metal or plastic)

3. Shelves

4. Plastic containers

5. Lockers

6. Vice benches

7. Cases

1. Floor liners: a must for protecting your van’s bodywork

Covering your van’s original floor with a robust liner is essential in all racking projects. It’s the first job that Syncro installers do in 99.9% of vans. Floor liners not only provide a flat, even floor but also reinforce the original structure, allowing it to resist wear from regular use, damage from heavy cargo and accidental impacts from falling objects.

Syncro supplies birch plywood floor liners with either a marble-look resin or a rubber surface. Syncro floor liners are the only ones on the market with stainless-steel anchor ring cups and edge profiles, so there’s no need to worry about mechanical strength or corrosion resistance. Syncro floor liners also come in aluminium tread plate. There’s even a premium two-layer version made from plywood and aluminium.

2. Syncro drawers: a best-seller in every shape and form

Drawers are the best way to keep small and medium size articles safe and tidy. These extremely popular products are constantly being improved by our R&D department and now feature better locking and release mechanisms and new materials, designs and solutions.


3. Shelves: the heart of all racking systems. Simple but functional and suitable for installation anywhere

What can’t you leave out of your van racking system? Shelves. Along with drawers, shelves are the best-selling element of Syncro racking. Simple but practical, shelves can be installed anywhere in the van and come in many models to meet different needs:

  • Configurable shelves, with non-slip mats, aluminium space dividers with Vibrastop clips, and raised rear panels if required
  • Extendible top trays, with shaped edges and a fold-down access door at the rear, ideal for carrying long objects
  • Open shelves, champions of versatility that can be installed with their flanges facing up or down and even on a slope, adaptable to carry cases or plastic containers
  • Fold-away shelves, ideal for courier services, these shelves take up zero space when folded away and extend in just a few seconds to carry a full load

4. Removable plastic containers: indispensable for a tidy van

Versatile, practical, lightweight and tough: removable plastic containers are proving so popular with Syncro customers that they are now offered in a variety of heights, widths and lengths. These containers are held securely in place on open shelves by special adapters.

Perfect for… tidiness: you can carry removable plastic containers into your stores for filling and emptying, take them to your workplace, and return them to your van later. Removal and replacement is quick and easy.

  • Profibox: large capacity and steel handles for easy transport.
  • Visionbox: with a clear front panel for maximum capacity without hiding the contents.
  • Euronorm: standard sizes, with or without lids.

5. Why do without? Discover Syncro System’s van lockers

Syncrolocker, Syncro System’s unique van locker, is another product that today’s demanding customers refuse to do without. With configurable interiors, keyed, double-latch locking systems, and ventilation holes in the back, these lockers come in 42 different size variants and are indispensable for anybody wishing to hide away work clothes, footwear, portable PCs and other valuable items of personal or company property.

6. Everybody wants… a Syncro vice bench

A Syncro vice bench is the simplest and least space-consuming way to carry a robust work surface and metal vice in your van. These benches come in pull-out or fold-away versions and incorporate a patented support that extends and retracts automatically. Once extended, these benches provide a super-strong work surface for repairs and maintenance.

7. There’s nothing better than a Syncro case for carrying small parts and tools

Tool cases... how it all started! Before becoming one of the world’s leading names in van racking, Syncro System specialised in the production of tool cases. That was over thirty years ago. But Syncro tool cases are still riding high and selling in large numbers every year, with new models and solutions on offer to satisfy different customer requirements. Case types in our catalogue:

  • High-strength steel cases for small components and tools, available in various models, sizes and internal configurations
  • Galaxy plastic cases with transparent lids, stackable and with modular plastic trays to configure the interior
  • Aluminium and ABS cases: the professional choice for all technical trades

A personal solution for everybody

Syncro System has been translating customers’ requests into practical racking solutions since 1996. Experience gained from over fitting out 90,000 vans of all makes and models allows Syncro to find the perfect solution every time, and to guarantee 100% customer satisfaction.

No two Syncro racking systems are identical, because in addition to the best-sellers described above, the Syncro catalogue contains much, much more. In fact, there’s a whole world of possible combinations, accessories you can install wherever you want, and endless ways to personalise your racking system!