A heating engineer’s Custom equipped by Syncro

A Custom with racking for a heating engineer

Syncro System racking teams are often contacted by heating engineers who, like many other professionals, view proper van racking not as an optional but as a must-have. How else could they keep in order all the tools they need to install, maintain and repair domestic hot water, heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems in residential, commercial and industrial buildings? With so much material to carry around and no time to waste, resources have to be carefully administered. The ideal solution is racking customised by Syncro System to meet the user’s needs. This page describes a Ford Custom with personalised racking for a heating engineer. The main features of this installation are:
  • The presence of racking on both side walls;
  • The presence of various cargo retaining systems;
  • An abundance of storage containers;
  • Interior liners to protect the van’s bodywork.

Starting from the beginning: protecting the interior of the Custom

There are no exceptions: the floors and walls of all vans must be protected by proper liners to reinforce the original body. Otherwise, in the medium-long term, users are faced with major expense to repair holes and dents - or see the value of their van nose-dive because of leaks and rust. Syncro System supplies cut-to-size wall panels and floor liners for the Ford Custom in a number of materials and finishes. The choice, of course, is up to the customer. The heating engineer who operates this van specified a birch plywood floor liner with a marble-look surface finish and also lined the bulkhead with the same material. This job took the installation team only a few hours but is guaranteed to extend the life of the van by many years!

Metal drawers and plastic containers in the Custom

The customer’s main requirement for this Ford Custom was to be able to store many different items in an orderly manner, arranged by dimensions, application and type. This required the installation of a large number of separate containers. Let’s look more closely at the racking system Syncro System designed. Left side wall Two columns of racking are installed one alongside the other, and contain a total of 7 drawers, including two full-height, two medium height and three low drawers. Each drawer is fitted with non-slip mats and metal space dividers. There are also two shelves with the same internal equipment as the drawers and, at the top, a shelf holding 12 removable plastic containers. At floor level are two cabinets, one with a door over the wheel arch, ideal for carrying bulky objects, and one open, with a bar-and-strap retaining system for carrying all kinds of case. Right side wall The right wall is fitted with a single column of racking, consisting of an enclosed cabinet at floor level, two metal case trays, three drawers and a shelf. This configuration leaves ample room to move around in the centre of the van while providing plenty of storage space and containers for transporting all kinds of equipment and material.

Practical details: a vice bench, cleaning and cargo retaining accessories

Accessories can make a big difference to the functionality of a racking system. From Syncro System's vast range of accessories, our heating engineer chose the following items for his Ford Custom:
  • A pull-out bench with a metal vice. This bench represents a superb combination of compactness and practicality. When not in use, it occupies only a few centimetres of the racking in height, but in just a few seconds can be pulled out to serve as a generous and safe work surface.
  • Cleaning accessories: the rear of the right racking is fitted with a holder for Scrubs wipes, great for removing stubborn dirt when no water is available. The front of the column is fitted with a practical paper roll holder.
  • The bulkhead is equipped with a simple but effective bar and strap system for securing even large items of cargo or equipment and to guarantee completely safe and risk-free transport for the van’s operator and other road users.