A Ford Transit with liners and racking for a plumber

A classic mobile workshop: a Transit for a heating and plumbing business

Syncro System’s experts are constantly designing and installing racking systems of different shapes and configurations to meet the needs of tradesmen and professionals. Among the professions who work on the move, heating engineers and plumbers are perhaps the most numerous. Many choose a medium-to-large van and install racking to carry their tools, spares and hardware, along with whatever accessories they need to work efficiently on site. While some requirements are common to all plumbers, there is a whole world of possible racking configurations. Luckily, Syncro System has thirty years of experience in choosing between them!

The van on this page is a Ford Transit L2 H2 for a plumber, with a complete set of liners and racking on both sides.

The starting point: liners

Syncro always starts with liners to protect the interior of your van, especially the exposed surfaces.

This particular Transit is equipped with a marble-look plywood floor liner with metal profiles at the doors to protect against wear and damp . The bulkhead is lined with chequer plate aluminium panels. The same material has also been used as a skirting to protect the bottom of the bulkhead against dents and scratches during the loading and unloading of equipment and machinery.

The panels on the walls and upper sections of the doors are made from painted steel sheet. In addition to protecting the original bodywork, this material gives the van’s interior a uniform appearance. These panels can also be replaced quickly and easily if damaged! The owner of this van decided to leave the wheel arches and roof uncovered, but Syncro can cover these areas too if requested!

Tool and equipment storage on the left of the Transit

All plumbers, whether they work for public of private customers, need plenty of storage space in their van. In this Transit L2 H2, racking for storage has been installed on the left side and includes:

  • A fold-away vice bench with support. When closed, this takes up only a minimum of space between the racking side panel and the rear door. A black lever at the bottom allows it to be folded down quickly and easily. The bench automatically locks in extended position to form a stable and sturdy base for all those small jobs that require use of a vice.
  • Four metal drawers, complete with non-slip mats. The mats are cut to size and fit snugly in the bottom of the drawers to stop contents sliding around on the road. Syncro drawers also come with provision for installing internal space dividers. These can be locked in place by means of tabs to avoid annoying vibration and unwanted movement.
  • A universal case compartment with a lashing strap mounted on a section of Syncroblock bar – an ideal way to carry any number of tool and component cases, from one until the whole compartment is full!
  • Six shelves, equipped like the drawers, with mats as standard and space dividers on request.
  • A full-length top tray for long items with a fold-down door at the rear.

Essential accessories on the right of the Transit

The right of this Transit for a heating and plumbing service is particularly well equipped. Three lengths of Syncroblock bar are fitted with a range of multifunctional accessories. The bottom bar is equipped with a lashing system consisting of two attachments and one strap for securing bulky loads. The two upper bars carry a range of accessories: a paper roll holder, a silicone tube rack and a cable holder.

At the top of this wall is a Multibox cabinet with 10 removable transparent containers. Syncro makes these transparent products from PMMA, a plastic that is super-resistant, both to impact and sunlight!

The accessories continue on the right rear door, where a handwash kit with water tank and tap and a soap dispenser are mounted.

A closer look at Syncroblock bar: secure, practical, versatile

This Transit L2 H2 makes an abundant use of Syncroblock bar. In addition to those already listed, a fifth section has been attached to the bulkhead and equipped with two sets of hooks and straps.

Why do we find Syncroblock bar in almost all Syncro van transformations? Because it is:

  • secure, being fixed the walls, liners or racking at multiple points
  • light but strong, being made of aluminium and having a shock-proof design
  • functional, optimising the use of space
  • versatile, adapting easily to various applications and being compatible with many different accessories (see here).

Still need more info? You’ll find all the answers…

… if you talk to the experts in van racking. Don’t wait! Contact us now or get in touch with your nearest Syncro racking centre!

If you want to learn more about our products first, you can browse other racking solutions or discover the full potential of Syncro racking. Start here:

Racking solutions for the Transit

Racking solutions for plumbers

Special racking solutions

If you’ve only just discovered us, here are some key facts about Syncro:

1. We have specialised exclusively in van racking since 1996.

2. For the third year in a row, we have achieved a 99% customer satisfaction rating.

3. We are committed to protecting the environment and saving energy.

4. We use super-strong materials and precision machinery in strictly certified production processes.